Cyfiawnder marwol glwy
Cyfiawnder marwol glwyf

(Rhinwedd a haeddiant aberth Crist)
Cyfiawnder marwol glwy, 
  A haeddiant dwyfol loes,
Y pris, y gwerth,
     a'r aberth drud, 
  A dalwyd ar y groes, 
A gliria meiau'n llwyr, 
  A'm golcha'n hyfryd lân: 
Ac nid oes arall dan y nef 
  A'm nertha i fyn'd yn mlaen. 

Dyoddefaint pur y groes, 
  Angeuol loes fy Nuw, 
Sy' fwy o fewn y nef
    mewn côf,
  Na'm beiau o bob rhyw:
'Dyw pechod er ei rif,
  Ei goncwest cryf a'i rym,
Yn abl sefyll fynyd awr
  I'w haeddiant mawr Ef ddim.

Aed bellach bawb o'r bron 
  Yn eon tua'r nen; 
Mae'r iachawdwriaeth werthfawr ddrud,
  Yn awr i gyd ar ben:
Mae Calfari a'i ddawn
  Yn rhyfedd lawn o faeth,
Ar fyr cawn brofi gwleddoedd hael
  Nad oes i'w cael mo'u bath.

Mi gâna' am waed yr Oen,
  Er maint yw 'mhoen
      a' mhla;
Ni cheisia'n wyneb calon ddu,
  Ond Iesu'r Meddyg da;
Fy mlino ge's gan hon,
  A'i throion chwerwon chwith,
Ond dyma'm sail i am lanhad,
  Y cariad bery byth.
glwy :: glwyf
meiau :: 'meiau
golcha'n :: gylch yn
cheisia'n wyneb :: cheisia i'n wyneb

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Bach (<1875)
Iona (alaw Gymreig)

  Dy glwyfau yw fy rhan
  Fe 'nillodd Iesu'r dydd
  Mi gana am waed yr Oen
  'Rwy'n ofni'm nerth yn ddim
  'Rwyf yn terfynu 'nghred

(The virtue and merit of the sacrifice of Christ)
The righteousness of a mortal wound,
  And the merit of divine anguish,
The price, the worth,
    and the costly sacrifice,
  Were paid on the cross,
Which clears my sins totally,
  And washes me delightfully clean;
And there is no other under heaven
  Who strengthens me to go on.

The pure suffering of the cross,
  The deadly anguish of my God,
which is greater from
    within heaven in memory,
  Than my faults of every kind:
Sin is not, despite its number,
  Its strong conquest and its force,
Able to stand for a minute now
  To His great merit at all.

Let all go henceforth entirely
  Fearlessly towards the sky;
The valuable, costly salvation is
  Now altogether at hand:
Calvary and its power are
  Wonderfully of full extent,
Shortly we may experience generous feasts
  The like of which are not to be had.

I will sing about the blood of the Lamb,
  Though extensive is my pain
      and my plague;
My face of a black heart seeks none,
  But Jesus the good physician;
I got wearied by this,
  And its bitter, sinister twists,
But here is my basis for cleansing:
  The love which endures forever.

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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